
"Paintflow" 🖌️

This collection contains 18 brushes to create a painterly and whimsical feel and texture within your artworks. The purpose of them is to find your own flow in art with paintlike strokes, interesting blending and color transitions or watery effects. 

🎨 3 Paint Brushes

🖌️ 2 Goache Brushes

🖌️ 2 Watercolor Brushes

💧 1 Waterbrush (for aqua effect)

🌸 6 Textured Brushes (nature themed)

✨ 2 Detail Effect Brushes

🔲 2 Stamp Brushes 

(feel free to customize the stamp or textured brushes)

💙 Share your creations #Looonabrushes so we all can see them!

Thank you for your support and enjoy creating!

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Ink Brushes | Procreate